

At first glance, a Zentangle creation can seem impossibly intricate and complicated. But, when you learn how it is done, you realize how simple it is . . . kind of like learning the secret behind a magic trick.

The creators of this meditational art form known as Zentangles, are American artists Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, who have  combined these simple line drawn patterns, used repetitively – to create beautiful images and, whilst doing so, to achieve a relaxed focus.

It is easy to do – just like learning how to do a magic trick –  does not require expensive art materials (only a pen and a piece of paper) or any drawing skills whatsoever. It is completely portable and can be practised anywhere. It is deeply relaxing, drawing your mind and body into a zen-like focus, eliminating anxiety and everyday tensions.

There are no rules in Zentangle. No rights, no wrongs, no erasers or rulers – only a way to create beautiful art that results in relaxation and feelings of well-being. With little forward planning, the outcome, the finished work, is something that will just appear with absolutely no expectations –

Easy to learn and easy to do – it will enable you to easily access your intuition and develop your creativity. By enabling you to deliberately relax, change your perspective and focus your attention, you will find tranquility and peacefulness that you may have never experienced before.

Zentangle workshops

I hold regular workshops on the Gold Coast,  introducing people to this intriguing art form.  If you would like to join us, please contact me for details of the next class.  All materials are supplied – so you only need to bring yourself.


“What a revelation Zentangling has brought to my life!! This beautiful, simple and clever little art-form opened the door my ‘instant artist’ after a lifetime of always believing I’m not!! And wonderful Wendy is an inspiration in her own right as both an artist and amazing lady. Do yourself a favour and open the Zentangle door.” – Maggie Kerr Gold Coast

Thanks to Wendy and her Zentangle workshop my inner artist has been unleashed! I feel like a whole new dimension of possibilities has been opened up for me. The extent of my artistic abilities previously had been the drawing of stick figures so to produce a satisfying piece of art work in the first sitting was very heartening. I believe that Wendy’s relaxed, friendly manner and generous assistance made it all the more enjoyable and successful. – Patricia Sidhu, Gold Coast.

Zentangling has me captivated because at last I can produce a piece of art instead of simply appreciating one from afar. Taking a pen in hand and exploring patterns and designs which are pleasing to the eye is very enjoyable and satisfying. Making it even more satisfying is having a talented artist, Wendy List, to demonstrate techniques and gently guide her students to create beautiful, flowing Zentangles. The process itself is also surprisingly relaxing as you focus on each individual line and the rhythm of the patttern, in the quiet and peaceful environment of Wendy’s home. Wonderful! – Carol Johnston, Gold Coast.